quarta-feira, 28 de março de 2012


Antoni BigCuore *

"I will sing of love and justice. To Thee, Lord, I want to play.I walk in integrity: when are you coming to me?Intact heart walk inside my house. Do not put a disgraceful thing before my eyes."I hate those who do evil, it never will join me. Far from me the heart pervert. I ignore the wicked. Whoever slanders his neighbor in secret, I'll shut up.Haughty eyes and a proud heart, I can not bear. My eyes are loyal in the land, that they may dwell with me.6 He who walks the path of the righteous, will be my minister.In my house there dwell those who practice fraud.And who speaks lies will not stand before my eyes.Eight each morning I will silence all the wicked of the earth, to extirpate the city of Yahweh all evildoers. " (1)

***A.BigCuore Comment: how much strength of character of the Psalmist! Here it is likely that the administration intends to implement the King in his government.Want a just government, straight, honest, where law and justice prevail. Uprightness of character, responsibility for the use of public affairs.Government seriously, calls to make his ministry, aids integrity, ethics, as we see in verse 6.In light of today's reality, 20012, specifically in the case of our country, Brazil, as it would be nice if the President and his ministers read and ponder this wonderful Psalm and perhaps inspiration to convert, to change their values and mentalities.After all, ALL POWER COMES FROM GOD! and should be used for the practice of justice and law.But, you see what the Brazilian government does with the RETIRED earning above the minimum. Do not give a penny more, besides the inflation measured by the INPC.!And the problem of public health? You are in chaos! Neither those who pay health insurance, is pleased with care they receive. A simple query takes almost three months, according to specialty.PRAYER: Heavenly Father Divine, in the name of his Son Jesus Christ, by the intercession always timely, Disciple of His Mother, Mary, I ask you Father, sends his Holy Spirit enlighten our leaders to govern justly and understand that , the power is not a good in itself, but a TOOL for the practice of justice!To fall back on all Brazilians, especially those in power, that they convert the hearts and implement public policies that look fair, especially for the weak and helpless.All this we ask, oh Father in the name of his Son Jesus Christ, amen!

*****Source: (1) - Pauline Bible, pastoral edition of 1989, pg.780
(*)author is writer in São Paulo,Brasil. Acess his BLOG BEM VIVER - http://antonibigcuore.blogspot.com and his link: www.recantodasletras.com.br/autores/antonibigcuore

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