sexta-feira, 23 de maio de 2014


Antoni BigCuore*

Date : May 23, 2014 , the 6th Friday , at 10.50 hours
Good morning brothers and sisters in Christ ! Health , peace and joy in their hearts !

I propose the following Gospel reflection for this day . The text is in the Gospel of John, chapter 14 , verses 12-14 which says : "I tell you, whoever BELIEVES IN ME , THE WORKS WILL DO WHAT I DO , AND WILL DO GREATER THAN THESE BECAUSE I GO FOR FATHER . What you ask in my name , that will I do , that the Father may be glorified in the Son . If you ask anything in my name , that will I do . "A curiosity , Jesus mentions the word Father 23 times in chapter 14 of the Gospel of John ! (I counted one by a . If you want to check just tell )

Through the sacrament of Baptism , the human being becomes the creature of God to a child of God . He becomes part of the great family of God . He created us out of love , so that the Father sent his Son so that whoever believes in Him should not perish , but have everlasting life.

Jesus calls his disciples to have faith and believe that they ( disciples ) has as much force as Jesus himself . It is He who says, " whoever believes in Me will GREATER WORKS THAT I DO ! ( Italics mine ) .Brothers and sisters , this is deep sentence of Master Jesus ! And we Christians , do not exercise or 30 % percent of inner strength that the teacher suggests the disciples . We humans , when imbued with that force , we do extraordinary things , because who tells us , instructs us and leads us , IS THE POWER OF THE HOLY SPIRIT , Jesus promised and fulfilled at Pentecost and who also receive at our Baptism , together with the 7 gifts of Him ( Holy Spirit ).

No matter the degree of difficulty that we find today in our lives and in society . What is important is to recognize that we have an Almighty GOD can HABITAR our hearts since these hearts are open , receptive to the promptings of the Holy Spirit of God . And that He is far greater than all the world's problems !Urge grow in Faith It is a process that comes with our baptism and continues into eternity . And how the process should be fed daily.

We have some " tools " for this. The main one is PRAYER ! . We should pray to the Father in the name of Jesus , for he will give us the grace to evolve IN FAITH , ripen from her in order to fulfill our role as evangelizers in this world . Grow particularly well participating in the sacramental life , that is , experiencing the sacraments especially the Eucharist and Reconciliation . Without the power of the Eucharist , we become weak , discouraged , without strength to face everyday troubles.

Also we use the Internet technology etc. information . to spread the Good News of the Holy Scriptures .Let's think about it ? Farewell and a happy and holy weekend to all of you , my readers and readers with blessings of health , peace , prosperity, harmony and joy in their hearts !

01 . Pauline Bible , pastoral edition, pg . 1,37602 . ( * ) Author is writer and communicator of the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the entire planet . Access and disclose his BLOG LIVE WELL - http :/ / and his philosophical and poetic link: antonibigcuore Author of THE HEALTH SOUL AND BODY , under review and expansion for the second edition .
Tool: Google Tradutor.

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