sexta-feira, 7 de outubro de 2016



Antoni BigCuore*

Date: 10.06.16, 5th fair, at 09.39 hours.Location: SP, sp.Brazil


"Walking to Jerusalem, it happened that Jesus passes between Samaria and Galilee he was about to enter a village, ten lepers were to meet him they stopped far and shouted:.." Jesus, Master, have mercy on us! ".

Seeing them, Jesus said, "Go show yourselves to the priests." As they walked, it happened that were CURED. Realizing that he was healed, one of them turned back giving glory to God around high. She threw herself on the floor at the feet of Jesus and thanked him. And this was a Samaritan.

Then Jesus asked, "Were not ten healed and the other nine ?, where are not there to return and give praise to God except this foreigner?.?." And I said to him: "ARISE AND GO YOUR FAITH SAVED.".(See Bible Pauline, pastoral edition, page 1338).

A. BIGCUORE´S REFLECTION. Before any deepening of the text above, it should be emphasized that the Jews were mortal enemies of the Samaritans.

They shouted to the Master who had COMPASSION them because they were sick (they were lepers and leprosy in Jesus' time was a terrible disease because the person was isolated from the crowd and when he was in the public square should cry out! Impure impure). There were ten people in all in the text says. Just a Samaritan.

Jesus Healing the ten and ONLY one back to thank him and this was still abroad. It was a Samaritan! Gasp!We can check the text that ingratitude is one of the worst feelings that a human being can show !. And today is no different, how many people are healed by God, and did not even remember to thank Him ?!

The key point of this text is the ATTITUDE OF GRATITUDE AND SAMARITAN OF FAITH, with all humility, come and thank Jesus for your healing!The scandalized Master and demonstrating a certain indignation, asks the Samaritan: Were there not ten cleansed? Where are the other nine? 

The Samaritan demonstrates a mature and balanced faith!Tell the way, faith is one of the main virtues according to Catholic Christian doctrine: FAITH, HOPE AND CHARITY are the main theological virtues.As Paul puts charity (love) as the main one.Faith is GIFT OF GOD. We must ask for it ever to him, especially in times of our weaknesses and difficulties. LORD, I BELIEVE, but further increases my faith !.

Faith is a process, a journey. Only available and humble hearts are able to make progress on this journey. Discipleship of Jesus implies renunciations, especially the ego, personal vanities, feelings of arrogance and pride; It implies daily take up his cross and follow Him.Happy and holy Sunday to all! blessings of health, peace, prosperity, harmony and joy in their hearts!

(*) The author is a Friend of Good and communicator of the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the entire planet. Access his BLOG BEM VIVER BRAZIL -  GOOD LIVING BRAZIL - and his philosophical and poetic link:

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