terça-feira, 12 de agosto de 2014

Well Start Your Day (Health and Nutrition)

Darlene Ponciano Bomfim *

I transcribe my readers (the) article in New City Magazine, the month of August 2014, pages 35.

"Brekfast for American breakfast in Portugal, desjejuno for Spanish-speaking countries, our traditional" breakfast "has been the most abused meal and even ignored.
However, breakfast should be revered: it is the main meal of the day! The loss of this healthy habit is linked primarily to the lifestyle of the population.

When we sleep, we go through a "fasted state" natural and expected by the body. The entire body rests but keeps running, which requires energy, whose source is glucose. During sleep, the body derives the energy present in liver and muscle glucose. All controlled by hormones that trigger wonderful accurate and efficient chemical reactions. The duration of all this is on average seven hours, or as last sleep. Unfortunately __e disso__ good to know the body does not remove glucose from fat cells, so if slims not sleeping much.

The first meal will determine how our day. With much or little power, or with very little encouragement. When we do not take the breakfast the body understands that there will be a prolonged fast metabolism and becomes very slow, leading to a framework of hypoglycemia.
This can cause drowsiness, weakness, malaise, decreased speed of thought.

Commits the diet of the whole day because the next meals tend to be more exaggerated and preference for carbohydrates.
Between what is recommended and what is practiced there is a bridge. You need to see how to cross it. A good nutritional counseling involves lifestyle change, but should be as compatible as possible with the reality of the individual and the family, contrary dog new habits are not incorporated.

What are the benefits of doing well the first meal ?. Increases the feeling of satiety throughout the day: .Melhora diet quality during the day; Improved bowel function; Improves cognitive function, academic and professional performance; Improves nutritional intake; Improves mood; Improves metabolism, promotes weight loss and decreased by choosing throughout the day weighed food.
If you do so well and is tasty, why neglect both in practice?
Research conducted in schools and workplaces indicated that the main reasons, lack of hunger earlier in the day; lack of time; living alone; repetitive menu; ease in eating out and eat what you want.

What is the ideal breakfast ?. Respect the local culture, customs, is always a good tip. Brazil offers wonderful menus and complete particularly in the North and Northeast regions, not to mention the "mineirices".
A good breakfast should contain fiber (oats, corn); dairy products (cheese and yogurt); fruits and juices; carbohydrates in smaller quantities; eggs. Jellies, cakes and sweets can even join, but should be consumed moderately.

And the famous latte and a bagel on the plate? What a delight! It's better than not doing any meal, but try increasing slightly vary introduce new things. Coffee or tea can also be consumed if the person does not tier food restriction to them, including work as stimulants.
A good tip for those who do not have time to leave the table is already set on the previous day, with everything at hand. For those who are not hungry this time the suggestion is to slightly decrease food intake at night, early dinner and start eating smaller portions at breakfast, go for acquiring the habit. It is always good to remember the old adage: we EAT FOR BREAKFAST WITH A KING, lunch like a prince and dinner like a beggar.
(*) The author is a pharmacist and educator in public health. 


A. BigCuore´s Comment: My suggestion for breakfast: 1 mashed banana dwarf; 1 large tablespoon of oats; 1 large tablespoon of wheat germ; 80 grams of plain yogurt; 7 units of raisins; half nuts. Knead everything into a paste and eat.

Then take a cup of latte with a slice of bread with a piece of white cheese. I guarantee: you will get the biggest pike to work. If you get hungry before lunch, always give preference for a fruit: the apple is a great companion of heart! Health and be happy, after all, you deserve the best !!!

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