domingo, 19 de abril de 2015

Gospel Sunday 2.015/04/19



Antoni BigCuore*

Date: 04/18/15Location: Brazil, SP, SP.

                              GOSPEL ACCORDING LUCAS, CAP. 24, 35-48
REFLECTION OF MR BIGCUORE: the two disciples of Emmaus told the community, they had seen Jesus and recognized the "breaking of bread".This Sunday also celebrated the Sunday of Easter THIRD. So we are still enjoying the presence of the Risen Christ among us. In fact, God is Emmanuel, meaning God always WALKS WITH US !!!.

The passage of Emmaus village, the Master rebukes the disciples for being "hard" to heart and did not understand anything, because time well before Jesus unto them predicted that he would die and RAISE THE THIRD DAY.

Now appears to them and they take a shock !. "Terrors and fearful, they thought they were seeing a ghost. 38.Então Jesus said, "Why are you troubled, and why your heart is full of questions? 39.Vejam my hands and my feet, that it is I myself. Touch me and see: a spirit hath not flesh and bones, as you can see I have. "

Jesus said to them, you have something to eat? They offered him a piece of grilled fish. Jesus took the fish and ate it before them. (1)

When Moses (. Deut 3) asks God what His name, He answers him: "I AM HE WHO IS". It can be concluded from this that God is pure presence. Therefore, has no past and no future God simply is. !!!Then God since the dawn of creation walks US. God never abandons his children. 

GOD IS FAITHFUL EVER !. Unfortunately, we humans, we are not as faithful as well. But the heart of God is always knocking at the door of our hearts. If we let go It does ADDRESS us. Conversely, if we reject, he moves on. God does not need us. But, we need God.

The most important is to be CONSISTENT with our faith !. We must practice what we learn from the Master Jesus in their Gospels. We should have a compassionate heart for the most painful; be supportive, generous, true grace of channels of God to the next in all the places where we walk.As John says in his First Letter, chapter 5, verse 3: "Why LOVE MEANS TO BE GOD HIS COMMANDMENTS." (2).

Which continue on Sunday, along with our families, to enjoy the EASTER PARTY, flavored with Jesus Christ, the Word Incarnate.Blessings of health, peace, prosperity, harmony, light, and joy in their hearts of their family !. Amen !?

Source: (1) Bible Pauline, pastoral edition, pages 1350/351. (2) idem, pg.1.583.(*) Author is writer and communicator of the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the entire planet. Access and disclose his BLOG LIVE WELL -(BLOG BEM VIVER) HTTP:// (self, spirituality and healthy life). His poetic and philosophical link:
Tool: Google trradutor.

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