sábado, 8 de fevereiro de 2014



Author : Antoni BigCuore *Date : 08/02/2014Hours : 12:33 , Saturday

There are several searches done in the United States with hospital patients , on the influence of faith in the recovery of patients .And , they all concluded that patients had faith in God , they recovered faster than those who did not. It was concluded that faith improves the immune system ( the body's defense system ) , making consequently the person less vulnerable to diseases .With regard to high pressure, do not know if there are studies to that prayer can help control high blood pressure .

As I am hypertensive and I am a person of God , prayer , believe that the legacy of our Lord Jesus Christ , I proved to myself that actually HELP PRAYER IN HIGH PRESSURE CONTROL ! . I say this from experience . I was the guinea pig of myself , monitoring , through a digital device, gauge pressure and heart rate after 45 minutes of prayer . It helps even balance the heart rate .She acts according to my knowledge, in GLAND PINEAL causing it to release relaxing substances , thereby neutralizing the increase in calls cortisóis (adrenaline , noraadrenalina etc. ) the hormone ACTH . Which accelerates the heartbeat and increased blood pressure.As I assume that each person knows , or should know at least the operation of his own body , which is part of what I call self-knowledge , it is likely that it can balance the body , mind and spirit . My thesis call homeostasis HUMAN!

I assume that the human being must be viewed and analyzed in the dimensions : spiritual, physical and emotional . So much so much improved not only my pressure as my health in general , using this mechanism .

And in that context, a balanced diet based on whole grains , nuts and dried fruits nuts, more fruit and vegetables etc. . , Help much to prevent even cancer . Brown rice , for example , since I started to eat it daily as well as 2 Brazil nuts , half nuts , banana oatmeal , wheat germ , flaxseed and soy milk at breakfast , I started to feel much more layout before .

The food, to be healthy , must be as natural as possible . Industrialized products cause cancer in the long term due to chemical substances that make up your formula. Excess salt , sugar and white flour , constitute the three great enemies of human being ! . Soft drinks , especially the diets , are true " poisons " to health!

Practice physical activities at least three times a week ( walking, swimming , aerobics , etc. ) ; balanced diet , do not abuse alcohol ; practice some kind of spirituality ( it is paramount to our overall health ) ; ALWAYS feed your mind with positive thoughts , empathize , practice some voluntary activity ( eg visiting hospitals , kindergartens etc. . ), cultural activities ( I sing in Coral Italobrasileiro called SAN MARCO VENETO ) in São Paulo.

Anyway , take care of health is essential to living well ! . Health and peace in your heart ! Thank you for caring for your reading !

( * ) the author is a Christian writer and communicator of the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the entire planet . Visit his BLOG BEM VIVER -  LIVE WELL - http:// antonibigcuore.blogspot.com and his poetic and philosophical link: www.recantodasletras.com.br/autores/antonibigcuore

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