sábado, 17 de agosto de 2013


Author: Antoni BigCuore *

Date: 08.17.2013 at 10.44 hrs."May the love of you is without HYPOCRISY: detest evil and cleave to the good; brotherly love being affectionate with each other, competing in mutual esteem." (Rom 12: 9-10) (1)"14-Bless those who persecute you, bless and do not curse. 15-Rejoice with those who rejoice, and weep with those who weep. 16-Live in HARMONY with each other. "(Idem)"The man who loves perfectly true and not seek personal advantage at all, and only want to glorify God in all things. Do not feel ENVY anyone, why not crave any pleasure not shareable. " (Thomas a Kempis - philosopher). (2)

A. BigCuore´s Comment: The text of the Apostle Paul is clear, he defends what he learned from the legacy of Christ himself. The pure and true love is the one preached by Jesus, that is, it is totally free, does not require NOTHING, absolutely nothing in return!!This love suppresses envy. Envy is your worst enemy, because this comes from the evil one, not God. God is eternal love and infinite mercy.

Love advocated in the world is false, ephemeral consumerist and volatile. Aims consumption only. He has feet of clay, he collapses on the first breeze!In love there MUST be hypocrisy. The Pope Francisco who was in Brazil recently, was critical to our Catholic Church to be acting, in many cases, so hypocritical. Christ gave us a church simple, humble, and therefore our church MUST return to its true origins. The gesture to lean that Pope Francisco did when his name, the windows of the Vatican was announced,  shocked the world with humility and simplicity!

We Christians let us reflect about this, and do our part towards RESTORE true Christianity that, throughout history, has moved away from its origins. I pray to God for all of you, my readers  around the world, in the sense that He will send BLESSINGS health, peace, prosperity, HARMONY, light and joy in their hearts! Paz, Shalom! Pace, Peace!
Source: (1) Bible Pauline, pastoral edition, pg. 1,455. (2) Cheap famous Bible. Editora Scipione, pg.18.(*) Author is Christian writer and communicator of the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the entire planet.Learn to disclose his BLOG BEM VIVER- LIVE WELL - http:// antonibigcuore.blogspot.com and his poetic and philosophical link: www.recantodasletras.com.br/auytores/antonibigcuore - Also access the Blog: WWW.nospassosdepaulo.com.br and www . radio9dejulho.com.br - São Paulo, Brazil.
Tool: Google tradutor.

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