segunda-feira, 31 de dezembro de 2018

The Sacred Family of Nazareth(Lc,2, 41-52)


Antoni BigCuore*

Date: 30.12.2018, Sunday, 16:06 hours
Location: SãoPaulo,SP.,Brazil

Today's liturgy contemplates the celebration of the Holy Family.
"Pope Francis, in the Apostolic Exhortation" Amoris Laetitia, reminded us that the family "should be a reflection of divine love, which comforts words, gaze, help, caress, embrace." It is true that there are no perfect families. "(1)
LECTIO DIVINA: how can we contextualize the above passage ?. Jesus stays 3 days away from home and his parents worried. Mary, do not despair! In the silence of your heart, have confidence in God!
A question prevails: what is the family like today?

Both those of yesterday, and those of today, all have imperfections. What can not be changed is the LOVE that should be the center of any family. The respect between parents and children and between the family and society, finally, in the world of human relations.

The Evangelist John tells us in one of his letters that GOD IS LOVE !. Undoubtedly, it is the best concept of God I have ever heard.
God Himself wanted to have a family: FATHER, SON, AND HOLY SPIRIT, they form a family of ONE FULL AND PERFECT LOVE!

Today, in this crazy world we live in (of drugs, corruption and all kinds of violence) with many wars, terrorism, blatant social injustices, especially in the third world, how to survive without losing its essence?

I understand that PRAYER, the meditation of the Word of God, the sacramental life (confession and eucharist) for us Catholic Christians, are divine and valuable instruments, ESSENTIAL, even for their survival.

To use technology, as the Holy Pope says, for the propagation of the good; of the good news of the Gospel of Jesus, in short, to transmit good knowledge; In doing this, the Holy Spirit dwells within the family.

Source: (1) God With Us (day to day), editor Sanctuary, December / 18, page 138.
(*) author is Friend of Good and Communicator of the Gospel of Jesus Christ for the whole planet. Know your Blog Bem Viver Brazil - and its poetic and philosophical link: - its Book is called, The Health of the Soul and the Body (exhausted).

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