sábado, 2 de setembro de 2017

The Gospel Of Sunday, 2.017/09/03

Antoni BigCuore*

Date: 02.09.17, Saturday, at 14.42.
Location: New York, NY, United States

                    GOSPEL SECOND MATTHEW, CHAPTER 16, 21-27

"From that time Jesus began to tell his disciples that he needed to go to Jerusalem and suffer much from the elders, the chief priests and the scribes, and he would be dead and rise again on the third day. to protest in these terms: God forbid, Lord, this will not befall you!
But Jesus turned to him and said to him, "Get away, Satan!" You are a scandal to me; thy thoughts are not of God, but of men! 24. Then Jesus said to his disciples, If any man will come with me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me.

 25. For whosoever will save his life shall lose it; but whoever sacrificed his life for my sake will recover it. 26. What will it profit a man to gain the whole world if he comes to harm his life? Or what shall a man give in exchange for his life? ... For the Son of man shall come in the glory of his Father with his angels, and then shall he reward every man according to his works.
Source: Catholic Online Bible

A. BIGCUORE´S REFLECTION: The Apostle Paul says in Romans 12: 1-2, "Be not conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your spirit, that ye may discern what is the will of God, which is good, what pleases him and what is perfect. "

The emphasis of this text is the exhortation of the Master Jesus to his disciples in the sense that the requirement to be his disciple is to renounce his own life for the benefit of God's Project!
Peter and the others did not understand what Jesus meant by announcing that he should suffer much and that he would be killed, but he would rise on the third day. They were more concerned about REWARD than it should be for following the Master.

Only at Pentecost did the "token" really fall to the disciples.
Many Christians are NOT disciples of Jesus! It seems contradictory to say this, but it is not. Being a disciple is much deeper! It presupposes following in the footsteps of the Master, in all its fullness, that is, in the good and bad moments of all life. Give life, if need be for your sake!

Many Christians, at first obstacles, soon give up the walk. They weaken. They falter. The world's appeals (via the evil spirit) are stronger and, therefore, are only on the periphery of the Christian doctrinal essence.

Following Jesus implies renunciation of the goods of this world. In leaving the comfort zone and facing all difficulties with courage, with courage and confidence in the Mercy of God. Let us ask God for this grace of the power of the Faith!


1. In which Christ do I believe?
2. Do I pray every day for God to grow me in Jesus' discipleship?
3. Do I remember to thank all the blessings He gives me?
4. Do I study the Word of God every day for greater spiritual growth?

May all, my Brothers and Sisters in Christ, have a happy and holy Sunday! Grace and Peace and may the blessing of Almighty God descend upon You and all your family. He who is Father +, Son + and Holy Spirit, Amen!

(*) author is Friend of Good and Discloser of the Gospel of Jesus Christ for the whole planet. Access and publish his BLOG BEM VIVER BRAZIL - antonibigcuore.blogspot.com (self-knowledge, spirituality and healthy life) and its poetic and philosophical link: WWW.recantodasletras.com.br/autores/antonibigcuore
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