domingo, 12 de julho de 2015

Sunday Gospel, 2.015/07/12

By Antoni BigCuore *

Date: 07/09/15, 5th show at 14.26 hoursEdition: Blog Good Living and Recanto das LetrasLocation: São Paulo, SP, Brazil.

Gospel According to Mark (Mk 6.7 to 13)

At that time, 7JESUS ​​called the twelve, and began to send them out two by two, giving them authority over unclean spirits.8Recomendou them that did not take nothing for the journey except a staff; no bread, no bag, no money in the waist. 9Mandou they walked sandals and did not take two coats.

10And Jesus also said: "When you enter a house, stay there until your departure. 11If somewhere not receive you, nor hear you want, when you leave, shake off the dust of your feet as a testimony against them! "12Then the twelve departed and preached that men should convert. 13Expulsavam many demons and healed many sick people, anointing them with oil.


LECTIO DIVINA- A. BIGCUORE: Key words: (12 disciples sent 2-2; robes; staff; sandals; curing diseases; exorcism of spirits Impure; anointing with oil).This Gospel refers us to the idea of ​​Mission. The church of Christ has mainly focused on Evangelization. Continue the work started by the Master Jesus.

The Master recommended that the disciples did not take, no bread, no bag and no money at the waist because the worker is worthy of his hire. The mission of the Disciples had a priority focus to seek the "lost sheep of Israel." The mission also consisted, in addition to bring the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus, HEAL sick, exorcise evil spirits, anointing the sick with consecrated oil.The same oil that, in the celebrations of Holy Week, especially on Holy Thursday, the bishops are consecrated masters, later to be used in the ceremonies of Baptism, Confirmation and Anointing of the Sick.

Oil is an important SACRAMENTAL within the Christian Catholicism. He is a sensitive SIGNAL that God acts in it for healing the sick and also to ward off evil spirit.Bringing this day, this text is super current, that is, Christians we have the Mission to continue to bring the Good News of the Gospel to every creature on the planet, without making religious proselytism. But, prioritizing take the Mercy of God to people, especially the most vulnerable, to find themselves and, after freed by the Holy Spirit to convert to God.

PRAYER: Heavenly Father, in the name of your Son Jesus Christ, we put ourselves in your presence, to praise you and bless thee thy holy name. And we ask you, oh Father, we anoint with oil of your Holy Spirit, that we may faithfully fulfill our evangelizing mission, in every situation we find ourselves. In the family, community and society in general. That Christians are CHANNELS the grace of God, for all those with whom we interact in. Amen !.Grace and blessings of peace, joy, prosperity, harmony and lots of light to all Christians and people of good will. Happy and Holy Sunday to all! .Amém!

(*) Author is writer and communicator of the Gospel of Jesus Christ for the entire planet. Visit his Blog Bem Viver - Well Living Blog - HTTP:// and his poetic and philosophical link: - - Brazil.

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