domingo, 18 de setembro de 2011

Gratitude And Happiness (Biblical Poem)

By Antoni BigCuore*

"I thank God with all your heart
Along with all their just met!
What are the great works of the Lord,
They deserve all the love and admiration! "(Slm.110/111)

Thank feeling indispensable
For those who want to be happy in this life!
Thank God, especially the gift of life
Thank and praise all the good days
And too bad that arise in everyday

Thank the people who make us a favor
Thank employment, studies, friends,
Finally, always thank ...
The world understands this language
And he always takes care of returning
Good things, positive and rewarding!

Thank you Lord for the gift of our lives!
Thank you Lord for everything available to us!
Thank you Lord for the beautiful and the ugly
The blue and yellowThe sun and the moon
By the stars and heavens
His poetry and music, cultural
Which also bring us happiness ...
Thanks, especially, Lord, for LOVE
Noble sentiment that speaks the voice of the heart!


(*)Autor is Writer in Brazil, São Paulo,sp. Acess his link: or his BLOG BEM VIVER - - God Bless You!

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