quarta-feira, 14 de setembro de 2011

Everyone Who Does Evil, Hates the Light

Antoni BigCuore *

As the Gospel of John, Jesus says that whoever believes in him shall not be condemned: and he that believeth not is condemned already. (John, 3, 18)

Light, Jesus came into the world, but the world preferred the darkness instead of light. Who loves Jesus belongs to the world of light, goodness and his actions will reflect this.
But those who love the darkness of the evil belongs to the club!

"He who does evil hates the light, neither cometh to the light, so that their actions are not exposed. But who acts as the truth, come into the light, so that their actions are seen because they are made like God wants. "(ibid., 20-21)

Reflect specifically on Brazilian politics, current. The corrupt, at all times, love the darkness. They practice their acts to “escondidas” (hidden) they like the darkness. They hate the "transparency". Billions and billions of dollars are diverted each year from public coffers into the pockets of the country of thieves in suits

And what is the consequence of all this? Hospitals to wane, missing materials for dressings etc. minimum. Not to mention the lack of adequate medical and surgical instruments and sufficient!

But with God is not mocked! The Righteous Judge is tired of so many abominations against the poor and marginalized! From his Justice, bad policies do not escape! Coffin has no drawers, but hell yes!  They shelved it, is a matter of time until they convert.

God is merciful, but he's no fool!.
We Christians, let us be guided by the ways of the Lord Jesus. So he can lead us to safe harbor!
Blessings of health, peace, prosperity, harmony and joy in their hearts! Shalom!
(*)Author is writer in São Paulo,Brazil. Acess your link: www.recantodasletras.com.br/autores/antonibigcuore and  him BLOG BEM VIVER – http://antonibigcuore.blogspot.com (self-knowledge, Espirituality and Healthy Live). Contact:  antonibigcuore@uol.com.br.(sp.sp. 14, september, 2011).

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