domingo, 18 de agosto de 2019

The Asssumption Of Holy Mary. (Luke, 1,39-45)


Antoni BigCuore Casagrande*

Date: 08/17/2019, Saturday, at 12:20 pm
Edited: 18.08.2019, Sunday.
Location: Sao Paulo, Brazil

Gospel - Luke 1,39-56
Hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah.
Mary is raised to heaven, the choirs of angels rejoice.

Today, in the Catholic Christian liturgy we commemorate the assumption of the Most Holy Mary to heaven. Mary was taken to heaven by the Angels, unlike her Son Jesus who, with her own power, ascended to heaven.
Proclamation of the Holy Gospel, according to Luke 1: 39-45:

“1 39In those days Mary arose and hurried to the mountains, to a city of Judah.
40He went into Zechariah's house and greeted Elizabeth.
Now only Elizabeth heard Mary's greeting, the child shuddered in her bosom; and Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit.

42And he said with a loud voice, "Blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb.

43Where does this honor come to me, the mother of my Lord coming to me?

44As soon as the voice of your greeting reached my ears, the child shuddered with joy in my bosom.
45 Blessed are you who believed, for the things which the Lord has spoken to you will be fulfilled! "

46And Mary said, "My soul glorifies the Lord,
47my spirit rejoices with joy in God my Savior,
48because he looked at his poor servant. Therefore from now they will proclaim me blessed all generations,
49For He has done wonders for me who is mighty and whose name is Holy.
50His mercy is extended from generation to generation to those who fear Him.

He has shown the power of his arm: He has disconcerted the hearts of the proud.
52 He brought down the mighty from the throne, and exalted the lowly.
53Have the poor out of goods, and empty-handed the rich.

54He welcomed his servant Israel, remembering his mercy,
As he had promised our fathers for Abraham and his posterity forever.
Maria stayed with Isabel for about three months. Then he returned home. "
Word of salvation. Glory to you Lord! ( 1 )
A. BIGCUORE´S REFLECTION. The text on screen represents one of the most beautiful of the Holy Scriptures !. Two women who meet and change religious history in the world. Mary goes to meet her kinswoman Elizabeth to sympathize with her, who was pregnant with John the Baptist, the forerunner. And this prophesying says, "42 ..." Blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb. "

43Where does this honor come to me, the mother of my Lord coming to me?
How did Elizabeth know that Mary had the baby (God) Jesus in her womb?
It was by the action of the Holy Spirit that Elizabeth makes this prophetic statement! And she had intimacy with Him (Holy), since surely she had the gift of SCIENCE, given by the same Spirit.

Many “charismatic” theologians interpret that when Mary greets Elizabeth, and the child John the Baptist, vibrates in her womb at this time, he receives the BAPTIST OF THE HOLY SPIRIT.

Mary is the first Christian, and the first Disciple of her Son Jesus! It was formed in the heart of God before the creation of the world! A simple young woman, humble, but with a pure and rich heart of the things of God the Father!
Mary's “fiat” (made up) has changed the destinies of all humanity! “Blessed art thou that believest” (v.45).

Mary is not a goddess, but below the Holy Trinity, within the Catholic Christian hierarchy, She is the first. She is the Co-Redeemer of humanity and intercedes for us poor sinners.
“Do whatever He tells you,” she utters these words at the Wedding of Cana when Jesus performs his first miracle (Jn 2,5).

Mary, Mother of God and our Mother, pray without ceasing for us, poor sinners of this earth !!!

As Father Nilo Nuzza, ssp says, “Happy are the families whose mothers are in solidarity with one another through mutual help. Blessed are the communities who have disciples of the Spirit-filled Christ and bearers of life and hope, blessed women who welcome the Word, convey faith and optimism and believe in a better world. ”(2)

Source: (1) site - 2) Daily Liturgy of Paulus Editora, page 18, of August 2,019. SP.sp.
(*) author is Friend of Good and Spread of the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the entire planet. Know his BLOG BEM VIVER BRAZIL - (self-knowledge, spirituality and healthy living). His poetic link:
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