domingo, 31 de março de 2019

The Predigal Son and the Mercy Of God (Lc.15, 1-32)

Antoni BigCuore Casagrande*

Date: 31.03.2019, Sunday, 10:11 am
Location: São Paulo,SP.,Brazil

                                     GOSPEL SECOND LUCAS, 15, 1-32

"All the tax collectors and sinners were approaching Jesus to listen. But the Pharisees and teachers of the Law criticized Jesus, saying, "This man welcomes sinners, and eats with them" (verses 1 and 2). ( 1 )
The Pharisees were hypocrites professing a religion essentially RITUALIST, without the essence of God's love.
Jesus, to break the paradigms, tells them three parables: one of the lost sheep, the coin and the other of the prodigal son.

What shepherd who, knowing that a sheep is lost in the midst of a hundred, does not leave the ninety-nine sheep and goes in search of the one that is lost?

And when he finds it he is very happy, because he has found a creature of God that was lost!
Jesus is faced with the hypocrisy of the Jews who criticized him for being a friend of a prostitute, a friend of tax collectors and of being a glutton and drinker. False argument this of the Pharisees. On the contrary, Jesus clearly shows them all his pedagogy learned from his Heavenly Father, that is, He loves all his children and all the work of his creation.

On the other hand, he has a special affection for the poor and helpless in our society. Therefore, who converted Mary Magdalene; cured countless patients, etc. Finally, he performed hundreds of SIGNS to show that he was truly the Son of God, whose mission is to demonstrate in CONCRETE ATTITUDES his MERCIFUL INFINITAMENE LOVE towards the small and marginalized. Jesus is no respecter of persons! For Him every human being deserves to be WELCOMED with all love and dignity!

God NEVER gives up on the human being !. He created us out of love and wants us to be saved to enter definitively into the bosom of love and mercy.

The Pharisees and Masters of the Law, cling to the 613 laws to impose the canga on the necks of the poor, but themselves, did not fulfill these said precepts of the Law of Moses. They were false disciples of God the Father! And they hated Jesus for their gestures of affection, affection, and love for the little ones.

The parable of the PRODIGAL SON demonstrates God's infinite MERCY to a sinner who repents and runs back into the arms of the Father. The eldest son is angry and envious of his younger brother and argues with the Father because this one makes a feast to receive the son that returned to the arms of its father, because it recognizes its error when asking for all its inheritance and to spend it with prostitutes and orgies.

The prodigal son falls into himself, and repents of his unthinking act and returns running into the arms of the Father when he perceives his own misery.
Every Christian has something to do with this story. We all sin when we distance ourselves from God and are carried away by Satan's snares.

That is why, we Catholic Christians, we must always be in good standing with our SACRAMENTAL life, especially the Confession and Eucharist, true balms for the wounds of our hearts! Let us meditate on Psalm 51 which is part of the Sunday liturgy.

PSALM 51 (50) - "Have mercy on me, Oh God, for your love! By your great compassion, erase my guilt! Wash me from my iniquity and cleanse my sin! Because I acknowledge my guilt, and my sin is always in front of me; I have sinned against You, only against Thee, practicing what is evil in your eyes "(verses 1 to 6). ( 2 )
May the grace of God always abide in our hearts! God bless us always and abundantly! Amen!
A happy and holy Sunday to all! Grace and Peace in the hearts available!

(*) author is Friend of Good and Discloser of the Gospel of Jesus Christ for the whole planet. Access his BLOG BEM VIVER BRAZIL - (self-knowledge, spirituality and healthy life).
(1) The Pauline Bible, pastoral edition, pages 1,335 / 36
(2) Same page 725.
(3) original text, 10.09.2016. Changed on 03.33.2019, Sunday, at 10:11 hrs.

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