sexta-feira, 15 de março de 2019

Pythagoras And the Heart - 3

Antoni BigCuore*

Location: São Paulo,SP.,Brazil
Date: Original 03.12.2012 (am.15.03.2019)

(sp.sp. 03.12.2012, Monday, at 12.03 p.m.)

Reading the profile of a poetess in Recanto das Letras, she had the following thought of Pythagoras:
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 Pythagoras was born in the year 582 BC, so he lived well before Christ, but he said an emblematic phrase and rich in wisdom and who comes to meet the Gospels of Jesus.

The Master says that it is not what comes into the good that hurts the heart, but that which comes out of it. Corruption, lust, envy, jealousy, bad deeds, all of them are generated in the heart !.

Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God! He says in the Sermon on the Mount, the synthesis of all the Gospels of the Master.

In our prayers we must ask God to increase our faith so that it prepares us and gives us a compassionate, loving heart that forgives easily, for without forgiveness no one will enter Paradise.

                          WHO LOVES FORGIVES. WHO LOSER LOVES!

Forgiveness is the most sublime way to love! A gesture of faith and, above all, a lot of humility.
By way of illustration, it follows information about the great Greek philosopher and mathematician.
"The Greek philosopher Pythagoras, who gave his name to an order of thinkers, religious and scientists, was born on the island of Samos in the year 582 BC The legend informs us that he traveled extensively and that certainly had contact with the native ideas Egypt, Asia Minor, India and China. The most important part of his life began with his arrival in Crotona, a Doric colony of southern Italy, then called Magna Grecia, around 529 BC.

According to tradition, Pythagoras was expelled from the island of Samos, in the Aegean Sea, by the tyranny of Polycrates. At Croton he became the center of a widely held organization which was originally a brotherhood or an association much more concerned with moral reform than a school of philosophy "( ).
After so many tragedies in our country, it is good to reflect on the words of the Pythagoras and especially the Master Jesus Christ! Without a full conversion of the human heart, there will be no happiness in this land. Both heaven and hell begin here on earth. It depends a lot on our free will!

FORGIVE IS NEEDED ALWAYS !!! Jesus tells us that we must do it 70 x 7, which in Hebrew means INFINITY!

In the world there will never be true peace. This, only God can give us. Therefore, that our heart MUST always be in SINTONY with God, because of Him emanates the outpourings of happiness and love!

Much health, peace and joy in your heart!

(*) author is a writer and communicator of the Gospel of Jesus Christ for the whole planet. Access his BLOG BEM VIVER BRAZIL- (self-knowledge, spirituality and healthy life. Poetic and philosophical link:
Original: 03/12/12, Monday, at 12:03 p.m. Alt. 15.03.2019.

2 comentários:

  1. Forgiving is not as hard as forgetting...

  2. Well, You are right!!! to forget is more dificult. O primeiro passo, é perdoar da boca para fora. Depois, com o tempo, PERDOAR DE CORAÇÃO. É difícil, mas não impossível! Caso contrário, o Mestre não teria exigido isso de seus discípulos. "Se voces não perdoarem, tampouco meu Pai, que está nos céus, vos perdoará". Abraço e obrigado pelo carinho de sua visita. O inglês é do G.Tradutor, e sai com erros.Quando perceber algum erro de inglês, por favor, me avise.
    abços.poéticos e fraternos.
