domingo, 22 de julho de 2018

God`s Word. Jesus Saw the Crowds and Had Compassion of Them.


Antoni BigCuore Casagrande*

Date: 2018, July, 22
Time: 09:06 a.m.
Location: São Paulo, SP., Brazil.
First Reading: Jeremiah, 23: 1-6 (synopsis). "Days will come," declares the LORD, "that I will bring forth a righteous offshoot from David, which shall be king, and shall rule with wisdom, and shall have right and equity in the land. Under his reign shall Judah be saved, and Israel shall live safely. And this is the name by which he will be called: Yahweh, our righteousness! "

2nd Reading. Ephesians 2: 13-18 (synopsis). "He came to preach peace to you who are far off, and peace also to those who were near; for it is through him that we both have access to the Father in the same spirit. "

Psalm. 23 (22). The Lord is my Shepherd and I need nothing! ( 1 )
GOSPEL, according to Mark, chapter 6, verses 30-34.

"The apostles returned to Jesus and told him everything they had done and taught.
He said to them, "Come aside, to some desert place, and rest a little." Because there were many who came and did not have time to eat.

They set out on the boat to a solitary place, apart.
But they saw us leave. So many of them saw where they were going, and from all the cities they ran to the place where they were going, and they came first.
When he disembarked, he saw a great crowds, and he had compassion on them, because she was like sheep without a shepherd. And he began to teach them many things. " ( 2 )
Word of Salvation.
REFLECTION OF A. BIGCUORE. From the text on the screen, the disciples are returning from the mission that Jesus entrusted to them. They were happy to feel useful and to be instruments in the hands of God in order to spread His Kingdom.

They rendered an account to the Master of his mission. Tired, then the Master invites them to REST a little. They set out on the boat to a lonely place. And as was usual, where the people knew Jesus was, they all ran towards him in search of comfort for their souls and also the attainment of some cure for their physical, spiritual, and emotional ills.

"When he came down, he saw a great multitude, and he had compassion on her, because she was like sheep without a shepherd. And how to teach them many things. "
We also Christians today have in our PASTORAL ACTION together with our community a time of rest, (vacation) so that we can rest our mind and our physique and also reevaluate our mission project.

01. In our daily action, are we managing our lives according to the Words of the Gospel?
02. Are we not aiming at the satisfaction of our own EGO or even our vanity?
03. How are we bringing the message of Jesus to the people?
04. Are we compassionate with the brothers and sisters of the community who are most frail and helpless?

Have a happy and holy week! Let it come down upon you and all your family, the BLESSING of the infinitely Merciful God, who is Father + Son and + Holy Spirit, Amen! Grace and peace in your heart!
(1) Annual agenda of Ave Maria Publishing House, Sunday, 22.07.2018.
(2) Text copied from the site:
(*) author is Writer and Discloser of the message of Jesus Christ for the whole Planet. Know his poetic and philosophical link: and his BLOG BEM VIVER BRAZIL - (self-knowledge, spirituality and healthy life). His book is called, "HEALTH OF THE SOUL AND THE BODY," in preparation for the second edition.
Tool: Google Tradutor.

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