terça-feira, 29 de setembro de 2020

Nobody Loves What They Don´t Know


 By  Antoni BigCuore*

Date: 2020,09,27, Sunday.

São Paulo,Brazil


                          GOSPEL ACCORDING TO MATTEW, 21, 28 a 32


Gospel according to Matthew, 21: 28-32. Jesus told the disciples this parable: a man had two children. Addressing the first, he said: "son is going to work in the vineyard today!". The Son replied: "I don't want to", but then he changed his mind and went. The other son said the same thing, and he replied that he was going, but it was NOT. Which of the two did the Father's will ?, asks Jesus. The high priests and the elders said of the people, they replied: "The first".

Jesus clashes with them and says that "prostitutes and tax collectors" will precede them in the Kingdom of God, since John the Baptist came and announced the Kingdom of God to them, and they did NOT believe. But prostitutes, tax collectors and pagans, BELIEVED John and will receive conversion baptism.

We can draw two conclusions from this text: 1) there are two types of people. Those who hear God's call and follow him faithfully; others hear the same call, but the vanities, the passions and the goods of this world, blind them and fail to delve into the teachings of the Master.

The poor, the marginalized, generally have an open and sensitive heart and follow faithfully to Jesus. Others go to church for mere social convention and with interests other than those of the Gospel.

"Jesus Christ, existing in a divine condition, did not make being like God a usurpation, but emptied himself, assuming the condition of a slave and becoming equal to men" (Phil.2,6)

My brothers and sisters, JESUS ​​is the model we must follow! The disciple imitates the Master, embodies all His teachings and puts them into practice. So, we Christians must ACT.

NOBODY LOVES WHAT HE DOESN'T KNOW. We must first know Jesus and then love Him with all the strength of our heart, our understanding and our soul!

Let us not forget, as São Tiago says, "FAITH WITHOUT WORKS, IS DEAD".

A happy and holy Sunday to all! Grace and peace in your hearts!

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