domingo, 26 de julho de 2020

The Pearl Called Kingdom Of God. (Mt. 13,44-52)


Antoni BigCuore*

Date: 25.07.2020, Saturday, at 12.44 hours
Location: São Paulo, SP.
Sunday's liturgy, July 26, 2020, is based on the Gospel of St. Matthew, 13: 33-52.

Jesus tells three parables (short educational stories) to explain to the disciples what the Kingdom of God consists of.
Keywords: 1. Hidden treasure. 2. Precious pearls. 3. Net launched into the sea.

I praise you, O holy Father, God of heaven, Lord of the earth: the mysteries of your kingdom to the little ones, Father, reveal! (Mt 11.25)

“At that time, Jesus said to his disciples, 13 44" The kingdom of heaven is also like a treasure hidden in a field. A man finds it, but hides it again. And, full of joy, go, sell everything have to buy that field.

45 The Kingdom of Heaven is still like a merchant looking for precious pearls.

46 Finding one of great value, go, sell everything you own and buy it.
47 The Kingdom of Heaven is still similar to a net that, thrown into the sea, collects fish of all kinds.

48 When it is full, the fishermen pull it to the beach, sit down and separate what is good in the baskets and throw away what is no good.
49 So it will be at the end of the world: angels will come to separate the wicked from the righteous50 and throw them into the furnace, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.

51 Did you understand all this? "" Yes, Lord, "they replied.
52 "For this reason, every scribe educated in the things of the kingdom of heaven is compared to a family man who takes from his treasures new and old things."
Word of Salvation.
A. BIGCUORE´S REFLECTION.These parables remind us of another passage in the Gospel, according to which "we must not throw pearls at pigs", Jesus teaches his disciples.

Our life is a gift from God and, therefore, we must not waste it with worldly things that only the “Enemy” is interested in.
Let us grow the good seed daily so that it produces good fruit; fruits of love, peace, friendship, joy and solidarity.

In the mind of God the Father, his Kingdom was conceived, before the formation of the world. Jesus came on a mission to make him more known to mankind.

We are, through baptism, dedicated to holiness. We must not allow bad inclinations to dominate our hearts and propel us to perdition.
Let us feed on the sap of the Word of God and the Holy Eucharist. These are TRUE TREASURES that lead us to Eternal Life !!!

What is your treasure my brother and sister? Where is he?

As Fr. Francisco Albertin rightly says, “... in our being and living, what is the treasure, that it is worth selling everything and fighting to own it ?. In a nutshell, where is our heart ?. Heart, in the Bible, is in the sense of decision, reason, conviction and choice between good and evil, between the Kingdom of God and the riches of the world ”(cf. Deus Conosco. Editora Santuário, July / 20, page 102).

A happy and holy Sunday to all !.

May it descend on you, my brother and my sister, through the ever-present Intercession of Our Lady, Mother of God and ours, the blessing of God, rich in mercy, He who is + Father, + Son and + Holy Spirit, amen!
(*) author is a writer and spreader of the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the entire planet. Know his Blog Bem Viver Brazil - (self-knowledge, spirituality and healthy life and its poetic and philosophical link
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