segunda-feira, 13 de julho de 2020

Orange: The Best Fruit of The World


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Antoni BigCuore *

Original: 02/16/2012
Reissued: 07/13/2020, Monday, at 10:15 am
Location: SP.SP.

According to Revista Saúde, in December 2008, (1) orange was considered the top in the ranking of healthy foods.

The study was done by the American nutrologist, Dr. David Katz, from Yale University, in the United States.

The professor took more than a decade of studies to assess, item by item, the substances contained in the selected foods. He scored from 1 to 100 points.

Those that received 100 marks were:

Orange, asparagus, apricot, green beans, blueberry, broccoli, cauliflower, red cabbage, kiwi, mustard leaf.

Others with high points were:

Plum 99 points; sleeve 93 points; pineapple 99 points; carrot 99 points; grapefruit 99 points; banana 91 pts; melon 91 pts; green corn 91 pts; red onion 93 pts; American lettuce 82 pts; cod 82 pts; shrimp 75 pts, salmon 87 pts; etc. etc.

                                        What does the orange contain?

Vitamins C that protects against tumors and mainly increases immunity. In pandemic times this is highly recommended. It also contains Folic Acid, or vitamin B-9, very important for pregnant women, as it helps in the proper formation of the child's brain.

In fact, all the vitamins in COMPLEX B are very important against stress and aging. Relax and feel good. By the way, BEER YEAST is also a wonderful and complete source of the B vitamins.

Minerals: potassium and rich in flavonoids that fight the so-called “free radicals”, which are molecules (organic waste) responsible for the premature aging of cells.

Fibers: bagasse is very rich in fibers that are essential for the body to balance the blood sugar level. The fibers massage the intestines and speed up the metabolism, which makes the person lose weight.

Daily amount: just eat 2 oranges a day, preferably one after lunch and one after dinner. Eat and not suck !!!
Eat with the white part and everything !!!

Do this, and you will see your health improve dramatically!
Fruits and vegetables are wonderful antioxidants that nature provides us daily. A BALANCED diet is vital for health: 1/3 of carbohydrates; 1/3 of proteins and 1/3 of minerals.

Source: Revista Saúde, Editora Abril, sp.sp. December / 2008, pages 21 to 25.
(*) Antoni BigCuore Casagrande is a writer and disseminator of the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the entire planet. Access his evangelist link: and your BLOG BEM VIVER BRAZIL–

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