quarta-feira, 9 de novembro de 2016

The Benefits Of Alfarroba (cocoa light)

Antoni BigCuore*

Date: 08.11.2016, Monday, at 10.51 amLocation: Brazil, São Paulo, SP.Edição: Blog Bem Viver Brazil and Recanto das Letras

INTRODUCTION OF A. BIGCUORE. Yesterday I was in the cereal area of ​​the district of Brás, in São Paulo, (Rua Santa Rosa), to buy, as usual my functional foods.And I came to know another wonderful millenarian plant, whose origin is from the East. It is called Alfarrobeira and its fruit is a seed similar to cocoa, but much smaller.The advantage of it is that it has far less saturated fat (the so-called bad fat that enrtope the arteries, causing coronary diseases.Contains:

VITAMINS: A, B-1, B-2, B-6, B-12, Folic Acid (vit.B.9) and C. and niacin. It is antioxidant, and has the advantage over cocoa, which does NOT contain caffeine or theobromine.

 I got home and tried it. I put half a small spoon in the strawberry liquid yoghurt and it was delicious. You like chocolate. A yoghurt delight!

By the vitamins it contains and minerals, it improves the level of serotonin in the brain, giving the delicious feeling of well being.Like any good thing, it's expensive. The kilo costs around R $ 40,00 reais. Only it lasts a lot, because a small spoon a day is enough.Below are the Wikipedia comments, the free encyclopedia.

Carob meal is the fraction obtained by grinding and subsequent roasting of the pod pulp. Contains, on average, 48-56% sugar (mainly sucrose, glucose, fructose and mannose), 18% fiber (cellulose and hemicellulose), 0.2-0.6% fat, 4.5% protein and High calcium (352 mg / 100 g) and phosphorus content.On the other hand, the particular characteristics of its tannins (polyphenolic compounds) lead to that carob meal is often used as antidiarrheal, especially in children.Food & Beverage Outlets

Carcassonne [9]Minerals Mg / kgMn 10.24Zn 24.71Fe 381.80Cu 4.84If 9.79Ca 2123.00N, 505.97K 8637.64P 2255.21S 17577.80Vitamins Test unitLiposoluble μg / 100 g.1,407E 5.377D 4.9Water solubles mg / 100 gC 830.08B2 0.38Niacin 185.68B6 23.80Folic Acid 41.97B12 1.30


Author is Writer and Tecnical Foods.  Know his Blog Bem Viver Brazil - antonibigcuore.blogspot.com
Sources: Wikipedia and Google.

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