sexta-feira, 11 de janeiro de 2013

Gospel Of The Day - 11/01/2013

 Antoni BigCuore * 

Gospel according to Luke, 5, 12-16"He was a city, when there appeared a man full of leprosy. Seeing Jesus, he fell with his face to the ground and begged him, "Lord, if thou wilt, thou hast power to make me clean." He reached out and touched him, saying: "I WANT. Be clean! "And immediately the leprosy left him." (1)

A.BigCuore`s  Reflection: This text refers to the idea of ​​healing, the power of Jesus to heal the sick. But, there is always the detail when Jesus heals someone, that is, He always expects the MANIFESTATION OF WILL of the person to be healed. Then that yes, He works his work of healing so unmistakable!.Note the faith of the leper who says, "Lord, if thou wilt, thou hast power to make me clean."We humans are fragile and not always blindly trust in the Lord Jesus. We have doubts, unfounded fears, true, but we have.It should be emphasized that faith is God's GIFT! is a gift that He gives us. So if our faith walk weak, open our hearts and our souls to the effluvia emanating from Him. Say, Lord, increase my faith, I am weak and sinful, but even unworthily, I fully trust in his mercy!

PRAYER: Lord, increase our faith! Give us the strength to continue my mission on this earth. Us to meet his designs with resignation, knowing that after the storm comes the calm always. Thank you, Lord God, for the talents you have given us. We always use it for the good of the community; him to grow so that we can give all honor and glory to His Holy name.It also gives us the conviction that to obtain the cure is a condition "sine qua non" HEART TO FORGIVE who offended us. Forgive seventy times seven, which in Jewish culture, means no limits!. Amen, amen, amen! Holy day for everyone (as)!


Proverb 20, 24: "The Lord directs the steps of man: how then can man understand his way?". (2)
Our intelligence is small and not able to fully understand the designs of the Lord God.Source: (1) Jerusalem Bible. Paulus Publisher, pgs. 1.937/38.(2) Ibid, pg. 1146.(*) BigCuore Antoni is a writer and communicator of the gospel of Jesus Christ to the whole planet. Visit his BLOG BEM VIVER- LIVE WELL - and evangelizing his link:

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