terça-feira, 6 de abril de 2021

Easter: Oblation to Father and Men 5


Antoni BigCuore *

Location: São Paulo, SP., Brazil


Holy Week, for us Catholic Christians, represents the culmination of our Christian faith. Passion, Death and Resurrection of Jesus. More than 2,000 years of history that the human being has NOT managed to destroy !. Faith is in the heart of the people. Only God can change his plan.

Unfortunately, our people are more identified with the suffering and death of Jesus (6th Holy Week), so much so that the church is usually filled on Good Friday, than with the Resurrection (Hallelujah Saturday) which is the much more important event. (Easter). It is the victory of life over death!

Easter (pessah) resembles passage. Jews celebrate the passage of the Red Sea when Jews were freed from the shackles of Pharaohs in Ancient Egypt.

As the Bible tells us, more specifically the Old Testament, in chapter 12, verses 1 to 14: “Yahweh said to Moses and Aaron in the land of Egypt:“ This month will be the main one for you, the first month of the year. So speak to the whole Assembly of Israel: On the 10th of this month, each family will take one animal, one animal for each person. If the family is small for an animal, then it will join with the nearest neighbor to your home. 14 That day will be a memorial to you, for you will celebrate a feast of Yahweh. You will celebrate it as a permanent rite, from generation to generation ”. ( 1 )

Biblically, in Mark 14, 22 - 25, we read: "While they were eating, Jesus took a bread and, having pronounced the blessing, broke it, distributedFor Christians, Easter is much more than the crossing of the Red Sea. IT IS LIFE CHANGE. Change from a sinful life, full of vices, to a life based on the grace of the Lord Jesus !. It is a new life, a life in constant harmony with the word of God and his sacraments, which are SENSITIVE SIGNS OF THE GRACE OF GOD.

Jesus tells us, in the Gospel of Matthew, "seek first the Kingdom of God and his Justice, and everything else will be added to you". Notice that He says: EVERYTHING ELSE !. So, the person who places Jesus, the Son of God, above all, does not need to worry about anything else. Everything else will be added to it. it to them, and said:" Here, this is my body. " Then he took a cup, thanked and gave it to them. And they all drank. And Jesus said to them, “This is my blood, the blood of the covenant, which is shed for many. I assure you: I will never drink the fruit of the vine again, until the day I drink the new wine in the Kingdom of God ”.

Jesus, lived and made his life an OBLATION to the Father and to all humanity. Unstoppable proof of the only true love. Look at the cross, there is the great test! He faithfully fulfilled his mission, to do the Father's will. To die on a cross for the remission of the sins of all mankind!

God's love is authentic and FULL, because it has the mark of GRATUITY! Nothing requires it in return !. Love for love !. He gave it to every creature, with no respect for people. He died for every human creature !!!

My brothers and sisters, let us make Easter a rare opportunity to reconcile with people, especially in the family. Easter is a time of FORGIVENESS and RECONCILIATION !.

There is no use in a hearty table (cod, noble meats, wine, chocolate, etc.), if your heart is "heavy". Let us confess our sins to God and make a firm intention to change our lives. Change, of course, always for the better!



(1). Ave Maria Bible, page 111/12.

(*) author is a friend of good. And spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the entire planet. Know your BLOG BEM VIVER BRAZIL - HTTP://antonibigcuore.blogspot.com and its poetic and philosophical link: WWW.recantodasletras.com.br/autores/antonibigcuore (original 19.03.2008, alteration: 18.04.2019). (12.04. 2020)


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