sábado, 30 de janeiro de 2021

The Maligan Recognizes Jesus As The Holy God


 Antoni BigCuore *

Date: 30.01.2021, Saturday, at 11:41 am

Location: São Paulo, Brazil

                               Gospel according to Mark, 1, 21-28 (1)

Gospel proclaimed today, 31.01.2021, in all Catholic Christian churches in the world. It is the 4th Sunday in Ordinary Time.


“What do you want from us, Jesus Nazarene? Have you come to destroy us? I know who you are: You are the Holy One of God ”. (1.24)


Keywords: Capernaum, Masters of law, Synagogue, Saturday, healing, exorcism, Authority.

A.BIGCUORE´S REFLECTION. The scenario is this: Jesus, was in Capernaum, in the Region of Galilee and, on a Saturday day, inside a Synagogue (not to forget that Jesus was a Jew), teaching the people about the Kingdom of God.

There was, at the time, a man possessed by an evil spirit. He shouted: “what do you want from us Nazareno ?. Have you come to destroy us? I know who you are: you are the Holy One of God ”.

Jesus exercises his gift of exorcism and immediately tells the evil spirit to shut up and leave that man.

We understand that Mestre was not a thaumaturge, a miracle worker, a charlatan. He was effectively the SON OF GOD, recognized in this episode as the HOLY GOD !!!

Jesus frees that person from slavery that imposed the evil spirit on him.

The people in the temple, especially the teachers of law, were amazed and amazed at the AUTHORITY of Jesus !. She spoke as a person who has moral strength and conviction of what she was saying.

Jesus, almost always in his manifestations, especially in miracles, he, in the first place, respects people's free will. “If you want, you can heal me,” says blind Bartimaeus.

What do you want me to do for you ?. Let me see. Then your will be done: see!

“And everyone was very amazed and asked each other,“ What is this ?. A new teaching, given with authority: he commands even the evil spirits, and they obey! ”(V. 27)

Yes, we would say, today, we Christians !. Jesus brought us a new teaching, a new way of relating to each other. The password, the key word, is the UNCONDITIONAL LOVE that we must nurture with each other!

This is the way to true happiness !. In times of pandemic, which humanity faces, nothing is more effective than reflecting on everything that is happening to learn the great lesson that, NO ONE CAN BE HAPPY ALONE !. We always need each other!

From an evil, God always gets a GREATER GOOD !. Let us learn from Master Jesus, and convert our hearts to feel the fullness of God's grace.

Trust, God is greater than everything and never leaves us! From this whole pandemic, we hope that a NEW HUMAN BEING will be reborn.

A holy and happy Sunday to all brothers and sisters in Christ! Grace and Peace in your hearts!

(*) author is Friend of Good and Disseminator of the gospel of Jesus Christ to the entire planet. Get to know his Blog Bem Viver Brazil - antonibiguore.blogspot.com (self-knowledge, spirituality and healthy living) with readers in all the continents of the Earth. Check out! And its poetic and philosophical link: www.recantodasletras.com.br/autores/antonibigcuore

(1) Paulus daily liturgy, January / 2021, page 114.

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