domingo, 30 de setembro de 2018

Exorcism in The Name Of Jesus.(Mark, 9,38-48)

                              Catholic Christian Liturgy for Sunday 30.09.2018

Date: 28.09.2018, Friday, at 02:53 p.m.
Location: São Paulo, SP.,Brazil

Antoni BigCuore*

"John said to Jesus," Master, we have seen a man casting out devils in your name. But we forbid him, because he does not follow us. " Jesus said, "Do not forbid him, for no one performs a miracle in my name, and then he can speak ill of me. Whoever is not against us is on our side. "(Mk 9: 38-40)
I believe that Jesus wants to demonstrate to his disciples that only God has the power to give or withdraw his Holy Spirit to his creatures.

It happens a lot these days, in the specific case of Brazil, where there are thousands of so-called Christian churches that argue that only they are saved and that their churches are true.
Ledo mistake !. Virtues, gifts, are not privileges of one religion. The Holy Spirit blows where it wants. In all Christian religions or not, there are good, authentic people who live what they preach and therefore many have the gift of exorcism, that is, the ability of the Holy Spirit to baptize to exorcise demons. Jesus is the greatest exorcist in the world! There are in the Vatican several exorcists authorized by the Pope. Pope Francis himself has the gift and power to exorcise demons.

The apostle Paul tells us about the spiritual gifts in Corinthians 12. Let's look at verse 7-11: "Each one is given the gift of manifesting the Spirit * for the usefulness of all. To one, the Spirit gives the word of wisdom; to another, the word of knowledge according to the same Spirit; to another the same Spirit gives faith; to another still, the one and the same Spirit grants the gift of cures; to another the power to perform miracles; to another prophecy; to another, the gift of interpreting them. But it is unique and even Spirit who accomplishes all this, distributing his gifts to each one, as he wishes. " ( 1 ).
It is noted by the text of Paul, who distributes to all God gifts for the personal and spiritual growth of his sons and daughters, regardless of religion.
Moreover, Jesus warns the disciples against sin. If your eye be condemned to you, cut it off; so if your hands and feet are sins, cut them all, for it is better to enter the Kingdom of God without these members than to go into the darkness of God's absence!

What pleases God most is praise, purity of heart, soul, and spirit.
Be holy as my Father is Holy, says the Master. Be perfect as my Father is perfect. So for us Christians, the model to follow must be JESUS! We must follow in his footsteps if we are to truly be his disciples.

Whoever wants to be my disciple, renounce himself, take up his daily cross and follow me.
Many people have no religion (atheists) but by their deeds and attitudes, they show much more charity and love than many who hit their breasts and consider themselves "masters of the truth." Let us always be humble and servant in our community. Let us do good, without looking at whom. In doing so, we will be accumulating spiritual fortunes in the other dimension of the spirit. Amen!
May the blessing of the rich and merciful God descend upon you, my brother and my sister, under the intercession of St. John Paul II. He who + Father, + Son + and Holy Spirit, Amen!

(*) I believe, here, that Paul refers to the Holy Spirit of God.

(1) Pauline Bible, pastoral edition, pages 1,473, December 21, 1989.
(**) author is a Christian writer and propagator of the Gospel of Jesus Christ for the whole planet. Know his Blog Bem Viver Brazil - and its poetic and philosophical link: (self-knowledge, homeostatic spirituality and healthy life).
Source: Tool, Google Tradutor.

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