domingo, 29 de maio de 2016


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Antoni BigCuore*

Date: 29/05/2016, Sunday at 09.34 hoursLocation: São Paulo, SP, Brazil.
The liturgy today is in Luke's Gospel, chapter 7, verses 1 to 10. Jesus is approached by a Jewish elders at the request of an official Roman, to heal his servant who was ill.

Jesus agreed to the invitation and together with the elders, headed toward the house of the Journal. When he was close, the officer said to Jesus, "Lord, do not trouble yourself, for I am not worthy that you should come under my roof; even I dared to personally come to you. But say the word, and my servant will be healed. " (Vs. 6-7)

The text says that the messengers returned to the house of the officer, and found the servant in perfect health. "(V. 10)What was the reaction of Jesus ?. The Master says: "I DECLARE THAT THE YOU EVEN IN ISRAEL I found such faith" (v. 9)

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A. BIGCUORE´S REFLECTION: Personally, I think one of the most beautiful passages of the Bible. Imagine a man who was, in a pagan way, held a high post in the "status" Roman, as an officer, did not know Jesus, but had heard of the signs that he was operating. BELIEVED firmly in your heart that the Master could heal his servant, and sends emissaries to invite him to heal his servant.Such was his faith that even before Jesus come to his house, he asks the Master to say ONE WORD, and his servant is healed!

Make yourself as your faith, Jesus would say in another way when he healed the blind Bartimaeus. No sooner said than done. The employee, at the time Jesus was in front of his house, his employee was CURED !!!

Faith really move mountains. Who says this is Jesus in Mark's Gospel, chapter 11, verse 24: "This is why I tell you: EVERYTHING that you ask in prayer, believe that you have received, and so will"The Roman officer did EXACTLY what Jesus taught. He BELIEVED in his heart that he could heal his servant. And so it was! Make yourself according to your faith!

My brothers and sisters, Faith is GIFT OF GOD !. If your faith walk weak, ask Jesus to him increase his faith. Feed your faith through prayer and the Holy Scriptures, especially the Holy Eucharist. Amen!That the blessing of Almighty God and infinite Mercy, descend upon you, your family, your friends, He who is Father, Son and Holy Spirit, Amen!
(*) The author is a Friend of Good and communicator of the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the entire planet. Know His Blog Living Well - HTTP:// and his poetic link: Pauline Bible, pastoral edition, pg. 1,298 and 1,320
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