terça-feira, 19 de maio de 2015

Go Into The World And Preach The Gospel (Mk, 16, 15 to 20)


Antoni BigCuore *

Date: 05/15/15

Proclamation of the Gospel (Mk 16.15 to 20). Ascension of the Lord.
At that time Jesus was manifested to the eleven disciples, 15and said to them, "Go into all the world and preach the Gospel to every creature! 16Quem believes and is baptized will be saved. He that believeth not shall be damned.17th signs will accompany those who believe are these: they will cast out demons in my name, they will speak with new tongues; 18se take up serpents or drink deadly poison, it will do them harm; they will lay hands on the sick, they shall recover. "19Depois talking to the disciples, the Lord Jesus was taken up into heaven, and sat down at the right hand of God.

20th disciples then went out and preached everywhere. The Lord helped them and confirmed his word by the signs that accompanied it.

REFLECTION OF MR BIGCUORE: on Sunday the 17th of May 2015, the Catholic Christians celebrate the Ascension of Jesus to heavens up to God our Heavenly Father.Jesus leaves the clear message for all Christians. "Go into all the world and preach the Gospel to every creature! Whoever believes and is baptized shall be saved. He that believeth not shall be damned. "

This message of Jesus to the present day, 2015, is for all Christians !. The work Him still with us today. Many people think that worked EVANGELIZE belongs only to the Pope, the bishops, cardinals and priests or even Pastors Evangelicals. Ledo engado! The mission of evangelizing ALSO is the mission of every baptized person. By baptism we receive the gifts of the Holy Spirit 7 to 12 fruits.

So we have all the conditions (in theory at least) to proclaim the Good News to all creation. Especially in modern times, by the media, to reach around the globe via internet.To proclaim Jesus is imperative to know Him. And to know it just STUDY AND MEDITATION DAILY his word contained in the Holy Scriptures, especially the New Testament. We must have a heart similar to the Master Jesus, that is, a COMPASSIONATE heart, suffering with those who suffer; who rejoices with those who rejoice. Of course, the Christian lives HOPE and HOPE!

Another thing that the Master says: Whatever you ask in my name NEXT TO MY FATHER, HE will give it you !. Whenever we make our prayers, especially for Catholics Christian, it is imperative not to forget the PAI.

PRAYER: Heavenly Father, in the name of your Son Jesus Christ, we put ourselves now in your presence, to praise You, you bless Thy holy name, and especially thank the gift of our lives. Without your grace, O Father, we would be nothing. We would walk weak, aimless, without meaning to our lives. However, eating the bread of your word and your Holy Eucharist, we become; we feel strong, happy, glad to SHARE with our brothers and sisters, your teachings. THANK YOU, OH FATHER IN YOUR NAME SON JESUS ​​CHRIST AMEN!

(*) Author is writer and communicator of the Gospel of Jesus Christ for the entire planet.
Access and disclose your BLOG LIVE WELL - http://antonibigcuore.blotspot.com and his philosophical and poetic link: www.recantodasletras.com.br/autores/antonibigcuore

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