segunda-feira, 9 de novembro de 2020

PROVIDENT IN THE LOVE OF GOD (Matthew, 25, 1-13)


Antoni BigCuore *

Location: São Paulo, Sp.

Time: 07/11/2020, Saturday, at 09:36 hours

Hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah.

It is necessary to watch and stand by; what day the Lord is coming, you don't know! (Mt 24.44).

6 12 Wisdom is luminous and never withers. It is easily contemplated by those who love it, and is found by those who seek it. 13 She even anticipates, hurrying to show herself to those who desire her.

14 Whoever waits for her early does not get tired, because he will find her sitting at the door. 15 Meditating on it is the perfection of common sense, and anyone who stays awake because of it will soon be safe. 16 For she herself goes in search of those who are worthy of her; full of kindness, she shows herself to them on the paths and, in each project, goes to meet them. ”(Sab. 6,12-16)


Proclamation of the Gospel of Jesus Christ according to Matthew (25: 1-13)

25 1 “The Kingdom of Heaven can be compared to ten girls who, taking their lamps, went out to form the groom's entourage. 2 Five of them were careless and the other five were foresighted.

3 The careless took their lamps, but did not take oil with them. 4 The prospective employees, however, took jugs with oil along with the lamps. 5 As the groom took time, they all ended up dozing and sleeping.

6 In the middle of the night, there was an uproar: ‘The groom is coming. Go and welcome him! ’7 Then they all got up and prepared the lamps. 8 The careless people said to the prosecutors: 'Give us some oil, because our lamps are going out'.

9 The prospective respondents replied: ‘Not at all, as oil may be insufficient for us and for you. You better go buy from the vendors ”. 10 While they went to buy oil, the bridegroom arrived, and those who were ready went with him to the wedding feast.

And the door closed. 11 Finally, the others also came and said: ‘Lord! Sir! Open the door for us! ’12 But he replied:‘ Truly I say to you, I don’t know you! ’13 So watch, for you don’t know the day or the hour.

A.BIGCUORE´S REFLECTIONToday's Gospel, Jesus warns us, through his wonderful pedagogy, that we are always vigilant with the things of the Kingdom of God.

As Christians, we must be foresightful in everything, even in our social and material life. But here, evidently, the Master is talking to us about the spiritual life. As disciples, we must always seek to be in a state of grace. Confess monthly and participate in Eucharistic celebrations, at least on Sundays, the Lord's Day. Study the Word of God, through the daily liturgy.

True wisdom comes from God !. The one in the world is false and ephemeral!

Whoever lives constantly in TUNE with the Kingdom of God, is acting with prudence and living a simple life and always with an eye on eternal life, because he knows that life in this world is a breath.

One asks if it imposes: if Jesus calls you now, are you ready for the great journey to heaven?

Whoever seeks to be in tune with the Holy Spirit of God, which we receive at our Baptism, will always have the discernment of the spirits to know what decision to make (in the general sense, even in social and economic life) in their daily life.

In this atypical moment that humanity lives, it is the ideal time to cultivate the things of the Spirit. This world will pass !. Only God will remain. Therefore, let us live wisely, doing good to anyone, in all circumstances of our lives. This is living with true WISDOM!

As Father Francisco Cornélio F. Rodrigues, of the Diocese of Mossoró, RN., Says in his brief reflection in the booklet, Deus nos, November / 2020, page 52: “True vigilance does not mean long prayer vigils, but a healthy Christian life, responsible and committed to the Kingdom ”.

I wish You and all your family a happy and holy Sunday! Grace and peace in your hearts!


(*) author is a Catholic Christian writer and singer. Know your Blog Evangelizador: - Blog Bem Viver Brazil and its poetic and philosophical link:

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