quinta-feira, 5 de dezembro de 2013


(Brazil, SP.sp. 12/03/2013 , 3rd Thursday at 12.15 hrs . )

(E.mail I received friend Alessandra , Curitiba , and now share with my readers the Nook Blog of Letters and Living Well , for your reflections . )


Imam converts to Catholicism : " The Qur'an says that Jesus Christ is alive "The courage of a former Muslim that met Jesus Christ and decided to follow him .Mario Joseph was imam at age 18 , and to convert to Christianity, suffered an assassination attempt by his father. Today , he is a Catholic preacher in India . It is a unique case in the world . He is the youngest Muslim cleric who embraced Christianity which supposed him a death sentence .

In the cemetery of his hometown , in India , there is a tombstone with his name on top of a tomb that has a clay sculpture of its size . His father told him : " If you want to be a Christian , I must kill him ."
But this man is still alive and Lartaun of Azumendi interviewed :

Mario Joseph , you were 18 years old and a Muslim cleric . How this change happened ?
I was the third of six brothers and , at age 8, my father sent me to a Koranic school for me to become a magnet . After 10 years of study , to 18 years , then I became Imam. One day , I was preaching in the mosque that Jesus Christ was not God , then an audience member told me to not say it , and asked me who Jesus Christ was .

As I had no answer to give , I started reading all oAlcorão and there discovered that Chapter 3 speaks of Jesus , which is often called Jesus Christ, and in Chapter 9 , there is talk of Maria .
Mary is the only woman's name that appears in the Quran , Jesus , it is said that He is the Word of God .

The area in which you lived in India was Muslim ?

Yes , it is Muslim and Hindu majority ; virtually no Christians .
From this question you had while preaching , as he began the conversion process ?
The Quran says that Muhammad is dead , but Jesus Christ is still alive . So when I read this , I wondered : who should accept : what is dead and what is alive ?

I asked Allah about whom I should accept and started praying to help me in this matter . When I started praying , I opened and read the Quran , chapter 10 , verse 94 , that they had a doubt so, should read the Bible . So I decided to start reading and studying the Bible . Then I realized who the true God , and from that , I embraced Christianity .

You tell it in a natural way , even though the situation they could pass . How does your community respond?
When I converted , I went to a retreat center and my family started looking for me . And find me there. My father beat me and took me home . When we arrived , he locked me in a room , tied my hands and my feet , left me naked , put pepper in my eyes , mouth and nose, and left me there , so without food for 28 days . After this time , my dad came and picked me up by the neck to see if he was alive .

I opened my eyes and saw that he had a knife in his hand . He asked me if I had accepted Jesus and said he'd kill me if I would accept it . I knew my dad was going to kill me because he is a Muslim too hard , I was sure. But I replied that he accepted Jesus Christ : in that moment, I felt a very strong light in my mind , that gave me the strength to shout, " Jesus " .
At that time , my father fell and ended up hurting his chest with a knife , it was a great cut that was bleeding heavily , the foam came out his mouth . Right now , my family , frightened , and succored her to the hospital , but forgot to lock the door . I could go out and get a taxi to go to the retreat center where they had taken from me , and stayed there , hidden .

It's amazing that you have taken physical strength to get out of bag and go to the center of Catholic host ...
I was very thin and weak, but that light gave me strength and health I do not know where it came . However , even today suffer the consequences of punishment , because I have a stomach ulcer and mouth ulcers .

How long ago did this happen ?

Makes 18. And the pain is still with me . The Quran says , in more than 18 locations, that whoever rejects the Quran should be eliminated .

You never again see his father ?
I never went back to my hometown . Never stepped on my land . Not only that , I 'm buried there because my parents did for me a grave with a headstone that has my name and the day of my birth .Site: http://www.aleteia.org/pt/religiao/entrevistas/ima-se-converte-ao-catolicismo-15274001

( * ) BigCuore Antoni is a Catholic Christian writer . Visit his BLOG BEM VIVER -  BLOG LIVE WELL - http://antonibigcuore.blogspot.com ( . Self , spirituality and healthy living homeostatic ) Present in over 56 countries ! . His poetic and philosophical link: www . recantodasletras.com.br/autores/antonibigcuore

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