quinta-feira, 16 de agosto de 2012

Do Not Be Afraid! The LORD Is With You!


Antoni BigCuore *

"Let your heart to deposit all trust in the Lord! Do not stand in your own wisdom! Whatever your ways, think of him, and he aplainarás thy paths. Be not wise in thine eyes, fear the Lord and turn away from evil. It will be health to your body and refreshment to your bones. " (Prov. 3: 5-8)
A major problem of mankind is fear. Fear is an emotion and this word derives from the Latin verb "emovere," past participle "emotus" means in motion.Can notice that when we are really thrilled, either positively or negatively, we feel a true boiling inside. The adrenal glands secrete increased amount of adrenaline in the entire hormonal system.The Bible tells us a wonderful example of the performance of Joshua, the son of Nahum. After Moses died without getting hold of the Promised Land of Canaan, was given the special mission to Joshua to do it with faith and courage.The Lord God says to Joshua:

"Take heart, therefore, be courageous and to carefully observe all the law which Moses My servant commanded you. Do not stay away from it either to the right or left for you to be happy in all your undertakings. Bring in the mouth when the words of this book of the law, meditates day and night, taking care to do everything written in it, so prosper in your ways and prosper. This is an order, be strong and courageous. Do not be dismayed, be not afraid, because the Lord is with you everywhere whither thou goest. "(Joshua, 1, 7-9) (1)

What wonderful words of the Holy Prophet Joshua to the Lord God!It takes courage, courage, when the "black cloud" hanging over our heads, over our lifetimes. Daily we are bombarded by negative stimuli, whether by people, whether by technological tools, like television, internet, mobile etc..

Television, in its essence, conveys negative things, causing serious problems in people's minds unless they are aware of this!. Subliminally are taught in our subconscious minds consumerist ideas, false advertising etc., and this has, consequently, a range of psychosomatic illness, depression type, panic disorder, fear, anguish, distress and anxiety.YOU HAVE TO TRUST IN GOD AND HIS PROMISES TO U.S. HUMANS, lasting BEING HAPPY!

Says Paul, the Apostle in Romans 8, 13-16-26-29): "For if ye live after the flesh you will die, but if by the Spirit (Holy **), slay the procedure flesh, then you will live. The ... Spirit himself joins with our spirit, stating that we are children of God and joint heirs with Christ.... "The Spirit comes to the aid of our weakness. Because we do not know what to ask or how to ask, is the Spirit himself intercedes for us with unspeakable groanings."And he who searches the hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because it is according to God that he intercedes on behalf of Santos. We know that all contribute to the good of those who love God, to those who are called according to his purpose. For those who always knew he also predestined to configure the image of his Son. " (1)

People today have forgotten God. They want to live selfishly while the Holy Spirit to act in their lives. Because of this, comes the suffering, the anguish, gastritis, depressions, anxieties, for us, regardless of religion, we need the strength that comes from above, the power of the Spirit of God.We all need healing. Anyone, no matter how normal it was, has some childhood trauma, frustrations, etc.. and this subconsciously affects your life. And nothing more appropriate than to experience the Holy Spirit in our lives through Bible studies, courses, etc. meditation exercises.Every Christian receives when baptized, the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit. What happens in practice is that one makes them like hibernating in his heart and soul.

As Paul says above, "... The Spirit comes to the aid of our weakness." "Everything works for good to them that love God."So why FEAR? Ore every day. Make a prayerful reading of Scripture (lectio divina), go to filling the teachings of our God. He left us this great heritage to be happy even in this life.

EVERYTHING IS A MATTER OF THE RE-EDUCATION spiritually and psychologically.It's all about MENTAL ATTITUDE. If you, my brother and my sister, think negatively, by the law of attraction, you can only attract bad things, negative. Conversely, the positive attracts positive!.Thought generates emotions and feelings. Let us not forget that! The secret is always in good thoughts. And good thoughts comes from good reading, especially the word of God. 

The Bible is a fantastic book for an ineffable spiritual riches. We create in us a healthy habit of reading it every day and then increase gradually.Also a balanced diet based largely on functional foods (those that feed and heal), help to improve the level of neurotransmitters and thoughts.Fear not, saith the Lord! She is our best guarantee that will happen in our lives for our growth both spiritually and materially.God knows our hearts, since before our birth. He is in charge of everything. So why be afraid? Why feel so much anxiety?

NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE FOR GOD!. Trust Him, He is Father and will help you in your endeavors. But to be faithful. God is faithful, therefore, fulfills everything it promises to their children.

Study further the word of God. Trust left by Jesus in the sacraments: baptism, confirmation, confession, communion, order, marriage and anointing of the sick. They are sensible signs the grace of God and that gives us great strength to face the tribulations of daily life. Above all, the sacraments of Reconciliation and the Eucharist!PRAISE GOD FOR EVER!

Source (1) Writing for Inner Healing. Leo, Peter, SCJ. Publisher Loyola, pgs. 11-12Pauline Bible, pastoral edition, year 1989.(*) Author is writer, singer, songwriter in Sao Paulo, SP. Get his BLOG GOOD LIVING - http://antonibigcuore.blogspot.com and his link evangelist: www.recantodasletras.com.br/autores/antonibigcuore (self, spirituality and healthy living).(Text-inspired sp.sp. 14.08.2012, 3rd Tuesday, at 21.44 hrs.)

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