sexta-feira, 17 de fevereiro de 2012

Orange Fruit Note Maximum

Parte superior do formulário

Antoni BigCuore *

According to Health Magazine, December 2008, (1) orange was considered the top in rankings of healthy food.
The study was done by the U.S. nutrition specialist, Dr. David Katz, Yale University, U.S..

The teacher took more than a decade of studies to measure, item by item, of substances contained in the foods selected. He took note of 1 to 100 points.

The 100 notes were received:

Orange, asparagus, apricots, green beans, blueberries, broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, kiwi, leaf mustard.

Other with high points were:

Plum 99 points, 93 points mango, pineapple 99 points; carrot 99 points, 99 points grapefruit, banana 91 pts, 91 pts melons, corn 91 pts, 93 pts red onion, lettuce 82 pts, 82 pts cod, shrimp 75 pts salmon 87 pts, etc.. etc..


What contains the orange?
Vitamin C protects against tumors, folic acid (vit. B-9)

Minerals: potassium and rich in flavonoids that fight called "free radicals" which are molecules (organic waste) responsible for premature aging of cells.

Fibers, bagasse is rich in fiber that are essential to the body to balance the level of blood sugar. The fibers massage the intestines and speed up metabolism, which makes the person lose weight.

Daily amount: just eating two oranges a day, preferably one after another after lunch and dinner. Eating and not suck!
Eating with the white and everything else!
Do this, and see your health progress!.
Fruits and vegetables are wonderful antioxidants that nature provides us with daily. It is vital to be healthy a balanced diet: third carbohydrates, 1/3 of protein and 1/3 of minerals.

Source: Health Journal, Editora Abril, sp.sp. December/2008, pgs.21 25.
(*) Antoni BigCuore Casagrande is a writer, singer and composer in sp.sp. Access his link evangelist: and his BLOG BEM VIVER -
(Sp.sp. 16.02.2012, 5th Friday at 11.20 hrs).

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