quarta-feira, 13 de setembro de 2023

Relações Humanas Emocionais e Verdadeiras

Antoni Bigcuore.sp.sp.

Data: 13/09/2023

Lendo a coluna de Walter Casagrande, na Uol de hoje, 11 de Setembro de 2023, fiquei tocado com as palavras do meu “primo” Casão.

Ele, juntamente com mais jogadores, foram homenageados pela Diretoria do Ascoli FC. Pelo legado que deixaram na Itália, mais especificamente, no Ascoli FC. Fiquei tocado a ponto de aproveitar o gancho e refletir sobre que fala sobre o futebol, para além das quatro linhas. Abaixo o que ele diz:

“Me considero um privilegiado por ter construído relações humanas verdadeiras, emocionais, sensíveis e amorosas com todas as pessoas que conheci até hoje.

Não se consegue ser amado nem amar a todos, mas com respeito e consideração se constroem também relações afetivas sinceras.

O futebol não é simplesmente entrar em campo para chutar a bola, fazer gols, dar dribles ou ser campeão. Jogar futebol é uma relação humana carregada de afeto, respeito, honestidade e verdade.” (Uol.by Walter Casagrande)

É vero Casão!. Os esportes de modo geral, diria eu, especialmente o futebol, se constitui numa oportunidade única de se relacionar com pessoas de todos os níveis sociais, criando uma rede de relacionamentos sinceros e emocionais.

O futebol é uma paixão exuberante que eleva as almas de milhões e milhões de pessoas em todo o mundo! O futebol é o antídoto contra as guerras! Pena que os líderes mundiais, AINDA, não se aperceberam dessa realidade.

Parabéns, Casão pelo emocionante artigo que Você escreveu. Carregado pelas letrinhas, pleno de emoção e sentimento, retratando “in totum” o seu estado de alma naquele momento!

Graça e Paz em seu coração!

Antonio Casagrande,sp.sp.(Antoni Bigcuore)

Emotional And True Human Relationships


                                              image by Antoni Bigcuore-Brazil, São Paulo

Antoni BigCuore.

Reading Walter Casagrande's column, in Uol today, September 11, 2023, I was touched by the words of my “cousin” Casão.

He, along with other players, were honored by the Ascoli FC Board of Directors. For the legacy they left in Italy, more specifically, at Ascoli FC. I was touched to the point of taking advantage of the hook and reflecting on what he talks about football, beyond the four lines. Below is what he says:

“I consider myself privileged to have built true, emotional, sensitive and loving human relationships with everyone I have met to date.

It is not possible to be loved or love everyone, but with respect and consideration, sincere emotional relationships can also be built.

Football is not simply about getting on the field to kick the ball, score goals, dribble or be a champion. Playing football is a human relationship full of affection, respect, honesty and truth.” (Uol.by Walter Casagrande)

It's true Casão! Sports in general, I would say, especially football, is a unique opportunity to interact with people from all social levels, creating a network of sincere and emotional relationships.

Football is an exuberant passion that lifts the souls of millions and millions of people around the world! Football is the antidote to wars! It's a shame that world leaders STILL haven't realized this reality.

Congratulations, Casão for the exciting article you wrote. Carried by the letters, full of emotion and feeling, portraying “in total” your state of mind at that moment!

Grace and Peace in your heart!

Antonio Casagrande,sp.sp.(Antoni Bigcuore)

sábado, 22 de abril de 2023

Quem Construiu a Casa da "Mãe Joana"?(pensamento)


Antoni Bigcuore

Data: Sp.sp., 22.04.29023, sábado, às 11:55 horas.


Bom dia! Paz e Bem!


Chegando de minha tradicional caminhada matinal, conversava com minha esposa sobre aquelas pessoas que levam o cachorro para passear e NÃO levam uma sacolinha e papel para coletar o excremento do animal.

Eis que eu lhe digo, nosso País, infelizmente, se tornou “a casa da mãe Joana”(rss), país onde cada pessoa faz o que quer; virou casa de ninguém. Não existe policiamento e falta muita educação por parte dos cidadãos.

Ai indaguei à minha Esposa, quem construiu a “casa da mãe Joana”, você sabe? (rssss...)

Esta semana também vendo um tape de um jogo pelo EsporTV., o narrador falou num determinado lance, em que o juiz apitou falta, “ele disse” foi falta;  foi a famosa “CAMA DE GATO”...(rss).  O repórter de campo disse ao narrador:  nos anais da história não consta quem a criou.

A língua portuguesa é muito rica em expressões populares que, às vezes, nos fazem ficar intrigado! (se alguém souber me avise, por favor...rsss)


sábado, 4 de março de 2023

An Angel Visited Me Today



Antoni BigCuore*

Date: 29.12.2022, 16.59 hrs.

Location: Sp.sp.

My Testimony

Folks, it is unbelievable, these days and in a metropolis like São Paulo, what happened today around 11:25 am. (29.12.2022).

On Thursdays, my wife and I usually hold the market at a retailer in the São Paulo City Hall, close to my house, in the neighborhood called Vila Aurora.

First of all, I must say that I have always had a great devotion for the Divine Holy Spirit of God, and for the Holy Angels, above all, the Archangels Michael, Gabriel and Raphael.

Well, when we were returning from the fair, I stopped my car on the street opposite mine, to take the cart and the bag of purchases I had just made, that's when someone stops a car beside me, stops, rolls down the window, and tells me .. .”Happy New Year to You and your family”...phew!! Ufa! Ufa! ...I confess that I was astonished! Really excited!!!

I swear the chip hasn't dropped so far. There were two young women in the front seats and the “angel” who congratulated me was driving.

Someone would ask, but that's even “normal” at this time of year. (until page 2).

People, we are talking about one of the largest metropolises in Latin America and this whole climate of political polarization (pandemic) where, in everyday life, people are individualistic and selfish and violence in traffic is normal. It was really an Angel who greeted me, there is NO other explanation!

In my 75 kilometers traveled, I have NEVER experienced such an unexpected emotion!!! That touched my heart deeply!

I felt that it really was the gift of the Divine there greeting me. I thought and commented with my wife afterwards: it was an Angel who greeted me..!!! I was so amazed that I didn't even remember to ask the girl's name. She was pretty young, short hair... a Little Angel even in human form!.

I have received, throughout my entire life, various Christmas and Happy New Year greetings, but never like this one! It was indelibly engraved on my retina!!! I'll never forget!

On the other hand, I must point out that I usually greet people when I get on the bus or subway. Good morning, good afternoon, good night, THANK YOU... Another thing, I have the habit of BLESSING everyone. I think it's the Law of Return that happened to me!

In the Salette Sanctuary where I attend it is common, because we end up meeting many people from the community and, therefore, kisses and fraternal arms are NORMAL. But on the street... God be praised for this so beautiful and unexpected gesture that made the adrenaline go faster, racing the heart! (experts say that at this time of year people are more “sensitive”).

God communicates in small gestures like this one, so that we know that He always walks with us.

A Year of 2023 to all of you who have been with me for a long time in Recanto, full of God's graces, which materialize in blessings of health, peace and great joy in your hearts! Shalom!

(*) author is a Friend of Good and disseminator of the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the entire planet. Discover his Blog Bem Viver Brazil – antonibigcuore.blogspot.com (self-knowledge, spirituality and healthy living).

(**) Google photo.